Disability Benefits and other legal assistance:


Allsup:  SSDI representation.

Main Telephone-  (800) 854-1418  New Disability Claims-  (800) 279-4357


Disability KeyA non-attorney disability advocacy worker.  She moderates the “But You Don’t Look Sick” message board Disability Benefits session, and is she is extremely helpful. Anyone applying for disability should take a look at the information in the Disability Benefits section. 


Disability Secrets: This site has a lot of good information on fibromyalgia (and chronic fatigue syndrome) and the disability process.  

Employees’ Advocacy Group, Inc:  1-800-835-4649.  


Legal Aid in Lane County  You have to go in person to their office between 12-3, and it’s first come first serve.  To get more information on what you need to bring to their office and for their location, call (541) 485-1017.


Disability Rights Oregon:  Formerly known as the Oregon Advocacy Center, they are a non-profit organization which provides information and legal aid to persons with disabilities.  The issue must be directly related to the disability.


Oregon Health Plan and other governmental insurance programs:


Lane Individual Practice Association


Governor's Advocacy Office:  If you have concerns about pain management or health care access, particularly relating to Oregon Health Plan, FHIAP, OMIP, or other state-run health programs, this is the place to contact.


Oregon DHS Oregon Health Plan:  Also includes links to the other medical programs.


Assistance Programs:


Needy Meds:  A database of prescription assistance programs.  Many manufactures offer assistance for medications if you are below a certain income level.  These are not only open to people without insurance- if your insurance will not cover a needed medication, oftentimes these programs can help you if you otherwise meet the income qualifications. 

Peacehealth Financial Assistance: Has many services, including their “Bridge Assistance” program where they can pay a portion or even all of your medical services you receive through Peacehealth.  They can also help you apply for prescription assistance programs and direct you to other area resources. Business Office (541) 686-7191 or toll-free (800) 873-8253

Oregon Helps:  Checks your eligibility for government assistance programs such as food stamps, cash benefits, OHP, etc.

211 Lane County:  Online information about local social services, both public and private.  Very comprehensive


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